
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Jigsaw Puzzle Queen

As the annual exams concluded , D got into her favorite mode . solving a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle .
With infinite patience , spanning over a few days  she set it up.
Absorbed , engaged and all her focus on the task at hand.

I am a huge fan of the jigsaw puzzle .. the way the tiny bits come together , fitting perfectly with one another creating a story ...
 It was a pleasure to see it unfold .. bit by bit .. one piece at a time ..

I find the puzzle to be a metaphor to life...
every moment playing a part to the whole... woven by the unseen hands of time .. each important in its own way ...each connecting to the next uniquely as only it can..

Effort, Focus and Patience to string it all and voila it all comes together as our own unique story!

Friday, March 08, 2019

International Women's Day

March 8 gets me cynical sometimes what with the social media flooding us with sappy paeans when all that is needed to celebrate women is respect , consideration and support .
Objectifying women gets my goat and patriarchal ways that tend to patronize, subdue and discriminate make me sad .The inability of women to move about safely in many of our our towns/ cities is a bummer indeed.

This year , saw me in action mode on March 8 !

Heading a city chapter of an international women's organisation , i went after a project to create a safe seating space for women in the city's railway station. Women travelers  transiting  through the station will have a space to safely rest and charge their phones . The spot was selected by the station authorities at such a vantage that the police check-post could keep a  watch ...

One of the high points of my year :)